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Skin Solutions MediSpa offers a range of hair removal solutions. Whether it's waxing or permanent hair removal, we can help!

To ensure maximum results, we use the UniLux Pro machine. Due to the state of the art technology of the UniLux Pro, we can also perform a wide range of other treatments for skin and/or hair issues:

frequently asked questions

How does IPL work for hair removal?

This IPL targets the pigment located in the hair follicle and shaft. The light is absorbed by the pigmentation in the hair follicle and this energy is converted to heat, which results in damage to the hair follicle. This damage causes delayed re-growth of hair and in most cases, permanent destruction of many of the hair follicles. Unlike electrolysis, which disables one hair follicle at a time, the laser reaches and treats hundreds of follicles at a time.

Does it hurt?

IPL/SHR technology provides treatment with minimal discomfort and is virtually pain free.

How may treatments will I need?

We recommend 6-8 treatments. In fact, it is no uncommon for a person to need six or seven or more. There are a variety of factors that can influence the number of treatments any individual may require to achieve the desired results.

What will I look like/how red will I be after the treatment?

Post treatment reactions vary depending on the coarseness, density. colour of the hair, and the area being treated. In general terms, most patients experience redness similar to a mild sunburn.


What are the benefits of the IPL Skin Renewal Series?

  • Reducing the appearance of find lines, enlarged pores and skin texture

  • Fading & disappearance of freckles, age spots, liver spots, and any signs of photo ageing skin

  • Reducing the redness, flushing and appearance of Rosacea

  • Shrinkage, fading and disappearance of spider veins

  • Fading and controlling the over production of pigmentation caused from melasma

  • Stimulating the cells that produce collagen. The productive of collagen results in smoother and firmer skin.

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